Saturday, April 12, 2008

Never Too Late!

Yesterday I graduated from Brigham Young University Idaho with a Bachelor of Science in Art/Integrated Studio Studies/2-D emphasis. It took me 12 years from start to finish, and I am now 50 years old. I've overheard students talking about getting certain things done in their life before they were 40 and too old to enjoy it- saying this as though 40 years old was practically dead. I wish we could understand when we are young that being older and wiser is a lot better than young and foolish. I waited to go back to school so I could be home to raise my children. To me, they were the most important mission of my life- more important than degrees, more important than a career, and much more important than working just to get out of the house and feel "fulfilled." I loved every minute of my life as an at-home-mom! The only thing that I regret is that I wasn't always as patient as I should have been, and that I can't do it all over again, reliving each moment and relishing them with as much joy as possible. Now, when I have more time I can do a little of those things that I wanted to do and I definately don't feel like I'm going to die any time soon. Life is wonderful!

1 comment:

Happy Wanderers said...

Yea! Nice blog, mom! Well, now I feel guilty that I'm sitting here reading your blog instead of outside playing with my off I go!! :P